About Serafine
SERAFINE je vokalni trio, ki ga sestavljajo vokalistke VALENTINA ČUDEN, MOJCA POTRČ in DADA KLADENIK - vse tri članice ansambla Opere SNG Maribor. Združujejo se tudi kot vokalne pedagoginje in ob prostem času tudi same rade zapojejo. Tako je nastal trio Serafine, kjer se vokalistke sprehajajo po melodijah POP glasbe iz minulega stoletja. Aranžmaje skladb pa podpisujejo kar same. Na koncertih in prireditvah, kjer nastopajo, pa za klavirsko spremljavo poskrbi Valentina Čuden.
'Serafine' (Seraphim) is a vocal group from Slovenia consisting of VALENTINA ČUDEN, MOJCA POTRČ and DADA KLADENIK. All three members are also singers with the Maribor Opera house. Their repertoire is a variety of popular music, arranged by the trio itself, with Valentina Čuden at the piano.
Naslov koncerta "AROUND THE MUSIC" nas zapelje po popularnih zvrsteh glasbe prejšnjega stoletja. Pesmi so izbrane iz obdobja bluesa, swinga, rocka, R’N’B-ja, countrieja, musicala, rock opere in drugih zvrsti. Izvedbe so ob spremljavi klavirja, nekaj pa je a cappella priredb.
Already at their first concert with the Maribor Big Band (Toti Big Band) at the Slovene National Theatre, Serafine proved to be a great success. Soon after they performed their solo concert 'Around the Music' in the Slovene National Theatre's Old Hall to a sold-out audience. 'Around the Music' takes the listener from the eras of Blues, Swing, Rock, R’N’B to Country, Musical and Rock Opera. While most of the songs are accompanied by piano, Serafine also perform a cappella.